
We Have New Puppies!
Cammy and Charlie's first litter of CKC Golden Retriever Pups were born on July 27, 2023 and will be ready for their new homes on September 21, 2023

Previous Litter
Cammy and Comrade's first litter of 8 AKC Registered Golden Retriever Pups are here! They were born on June 28, 2020 , 4 female and 4 Male

All of our Golden Retriever puppies are AKC or CKC registered, vet checked and will have their first set of shots. The cost per puppy is $1,100 regardless of gender, color, intent to breed or register. No puppies will be sold without registration. All Golden Retriever puppy photos in the Gallery are from prior litters unless otherwise noted. 

All of our Golden Doodles are the product of an AKC/CKC registered Standard Poodle bitch and an AKC/CKC registered Golden Retriever stud. Golden Doodle puppies come with CKC registration papers, vet/health record and will receive their first set of shots. The cost per puppy is TBD regardless of gender, color, intent to breed or register. We have no Golden Doodle puppies at this time. 

We will accept deposits of $400 by Pay Pal, Zelle, Venmo, Cash App, Check or Cash at any time, however all deposits become non-refundable when the pups reach 4 weeks of age. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis provided the buyer has proof of a legitimate reason for canceling, i.e., unexpected health reasons for self or immediate family, unexpected loss of wages and things of this nature. Please do not put a deposit on a puppy if you are not committed to buying it.  We want our puppy owners to be sure about adding a puppy to their family for a lifetime. We also don't want to turn away potential buyers by holding a pup for someone who is still shopping or just isn't committed. Making a deposit represents your commitment. Do not make a deposit without speaking to us first.  We want to know who we are selling the puppies to. It is extremely important to us that our pups never end up in a shelter.  When the pups are old enough to accept visitors we welcome you to make arrangements with us to visit your puppy.
All puppies will go to their new homes having had their vet check, deworming, first shots, vet health record, puppy pack and registration papers. Puppies cannot leave until they are minimally 8 weeks of age - no exceptions.

Please read our Terms before ordering.